10 Trendy Accessories to Wear With Suspenders
There are no limits to where you can wear your suspenders! It’s all in how you put together your accessories. Luckily your friends here at JJ Suspenders have you covered for any occasion.
French Cuff Shirt
A great shirt can make or break your entire ensemble. The French Cuff is a chic and not too stuffy choice for formal events, whether you stick to the classic white or go bold. With all of the hot summer weddings on the docket, you won’t be keeping your jacket on long anyway.
Of course, if you wear a French Cuff shirt, you’re going to need a great pair of…
Cufflinks are perhaps the most diverse men’s accessory available today. You can go with a formal stud style, or let your edgy side shine through with something a bit more daring.
Bow Tie
Even in the most basic black, a great bow tie (tied properly, check out this tutorial if you’re having trouble) will stand out in most settings.
Pocket Square
For those events where a jacket is a must, the pocket square is key! Choose a color that coordinates with the event, matches your tie, or contrasts with your jacket. A bride will surely be complimented if you incorporate her wedding colors into your ensemble, whether or not you are a member of the wedding party.
Wearing your suspenders in a business venue is a comfortable and stylish choice, when done with a little bit of forethought.
Long Tie
In most businesses, it’s a good idea to stick with the classics. Don’t despair; long ties don’t have to be boring. Explore colors, patterns, widths, and textures to build a collection that you love.
Tie Bar
A tie bar immediately polishes your look, while keeping your long tie in place. Pick a few favorites to grab on your way out the door, and you’ll look more put together than the next guy. Just be sure the metal doesn’t clash with your suspender fastenings!
Oxford Shoes
A great alternative to the slightly more dated loafer look, the lace-up oxford is a must have for business and pleasure. Explore styles and finishes beyond basic black and brown.
Casual/Street Style
You can even incorporate your suspenders into your most casual events. You’ll just have to become accustomed to the label of “Sharp Dressed Man!”
Lace-up Sneakers
Since your suspenders bring such a look of elegance to the party, you should experiment with playfulness in your footwear when you’re out with your friends. A great pair of lace-ups will bring just the right message that you’re there to have fun.
This one is a bit tricky, and you don’t want to get caught up in a gimmick. Forget the ironic Trucker Hat and aim instead for a signature cap of great quality that makes you feel like a million bucks. It will take some trying on and an honest opinion or two, but in the end it will all be worth it.
Men’s jewelry is a growing trend that has led to some very cool and edgy pieces. Jewelry designers everywhere are trying to reach the men’s market, and their creativity is starting to show! A basic leather cuff, beaded, or braided bracelet is always fun, but try on a few with chunky metal links and see how they strike you. You may have found your new signature accessory.
There you have it. You are now ready to rock your suspenders anywhere! For more tips, visit our style guide.
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